
Maximizing cloud cost efficiency: The role of developer portals

May 15th, 9AM PT

Can you use a developer portal to drive efficient cloud spending?  
Internal developer portals are all about an improved developer experience. Can they also help better monitor and manage cloud costs?
With the Port & Kubecost integration, developers and finops teams alike can now access deep insights and detailed analytics on kubernetes costs, directly within their developer portal.
We’ll start this webinar with an overview of how you can improve Kubernetes cost monitoring. By automatically syncing with your Kubernetes infrastructure, Kubecost enriches the Port software catalog with FinOps data, offering a comprehensive view of your deployments and their cost. You will also:

  • Understand how Kubecost and Port integrate
  • Understand how to use Kubecost and Port to provide deeper insights to engineering teams about Kubernetes spending.
  • Learn about the application of financial insights, such as predicted costs and expenditure per service or team, to proactively manage and optimize Kubernetes spending.
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Mike Riggs

Mike Riggs is currently a Senior Solutions Engineer at Kubecost and has over 25 years of experience across a broad range of technologies, ranging from Telecom solutions to Cloud Native applications.

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Trent Broderick

Trent Broderick is a Partnership Manager at Kubecost. Over the last two years, he has focused on developing Kubecost’s hyperscaler and ISV alliance strategy. He has over five years of hands-on experience with Kubernetes, Cloud Infrastructure and FinOps.

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Aidan O'Connor

Aidan O'Connor is a Senior Solutions Engineer at Port. Aidan's background is in Application and Cloud security, having worked for Snyk and Fugue as a Solutions Engineer. Before that, Aidan worked in consulting for five years. Aidan holds a B.A. from Virginia Military Institute and a Professional Certificate in Data Science from Georgetown University.