
What do we mean when we say “data model”? Thinking about what needs to be inside your developer portal

Is there a perfect way to create a software catalog for your kubernetes and gitops native platform? This webinar will discuss what a good core software catalog needs and how to extend it to also be a comprehensive API catalog

Join Port’s Solution Architect, Mor Paz, the boulders and burgers man, for a deeper dive into how to think about the data model for your internal developer portal. This is the first part of a two-part webinar series about internal developer portals. The second part will showcase how to implement the portal using IaC (Pulumi) and Port.

Mor will explain the logic behind a core data model for a Kubernetes and GitOps native internal developer platform, and demonstrate how to define Port blueprints to cover the basic use cases in developer portals, from software catalog through actions, scorecards and automations. Next, Mor will show how to add API catalog functionality to Port, including API route tracking and health monitoring.

You will learn:

  • The basic setup of an internal developer platform
  • The core data model
  • Using blueprints and extensions to add data and self-service actions
  • Implementing a data model in Port, using blueprints

  • Screenshot 2023-04-03 at 11.01.55 (1)

    Mor Paz

    Solution Architect


    Mor is a solution architect at Port (getport.io), an internal developer platform company. Prior to working at Port, Mor was DevOps team lead in the Intelligence unit 8200 at the IDF, in charge of the definition and implementation of an internal developer portal for thousands of developers. Before joining Port, Mor was a DevOps engineer and backend developer for Komit and MeMed, where he was responsible for architecting and developing cloud native services and infrastructure.